What Is Hypnosis?

Do you think hypnosis is mind control? Or at least coersion and manipulation? Sort of like a magic trick? I invite you to think again 💡

What Is Hypnosis?

Do you think hypnosis is mind control?

Or at least coersion and manipulation? Sort of like a magic trick?

I invite you to think again 💡

Harnessing A Natural Resource

Trance is a natural state.

All of us go into hypnotic trance several times a day. And come out of it spontaneously.

In hypnosis, we just harness this natural state and use it intentionally. Very much like we harness the energy of sunlight or wind to power up our homes 🏜

Hasn’t there been a time when you’d been watching a movie and jumped when you heard the door creak?

Or you were driving and suddenly realised that you’ve traveled farther than you expected?

That is everyday trance. For a few moments (or longer), you were not entirely aware of your surroundings. When you come out of these states, you feel slightly disconnected. But you get your bearings very soon.

How Do We Do 'The Harnessing'?

Honestly, all hypnosis is Self-hypnosis.

You can guide yourself into a hypnotic trance quite easily. All it takes is letting go.

Whether you do it by yourself or with the help of a guide (hypnotist), this is essentially what happens. The simplest way is to place your awareness on breathing till you slip 'in'.

But there are many more, fancier ways of inducing a trance, any of which we can choose for each person.

How Does Hypnosis Work?

During hypnosis, your conscious mind steps back and your unconscious takes the lead.

This means your 'usual' is bypassed in hypnosis.

Habitual patterns, responses, belief sysytems - are all fuzzier - more malleble while in hypnosis. The inner and outer worlds are less black and white.

This makes way for newness, change, transformation.

Hypnosis Does Not Bypass Willpower

It is a usual misconception that you take all hypnotic suggestions as is and that they will come to pass automatically.

That's way off the mark.

Hypnosis does:

  • Make us less critical and analytical
  • More suggestible

So we do accept suggestions more easily than when we’re in the usual waking state.  But it's not a 'no filter' situation.

Our conscious mind still interjects itself into the process and plays a part in deciding how much, how fast and what kimd of suggestions are accepted.

We don't accept things that go against our core beliefs and value systems.

(ergo, we still need to work on that stuff, if there are issues there)

But the 'low filter + creative' state is fertile soil. It helps us work on things from within. And from a softer, smarter, fluider state.

Am I making sense?

It's damn hard to explain this stuff verbally!