The Skin-Psyche Link

Womb to Tomb Skin and nerves (those in our brain and all over our body) begin their journey together. In a tiny embryo, there is a layer called ectoderm. It gives rise to both surface ectoderm- becoming the coverings of our body and neuroectoderm

The Skin-Psyche Link

Mental and physical health is always tied together. But there aren’t established branches like psychodermatology, dealing with the mind-body interface for most medical specialties.

So why is the skin-psyche link more obvious?

These are 5 ways in which they relate:

Womb to Tomb

Skin and nerves (those in our brain and all over our body) begin their journey together.

So why is the skin-psyche link more obvious?

These are 5 ways in which they relate:

Womb to Tomb

Skin and nerves (those in our brain and all over our body) begin their journey together.

In a tiny embryo, there is a layer called ectoderm. It gives rise to both surface ectoderm- becoming the coverings of our body and neuroectoderm- becoming the neural tissue.

Over time they go their separate ways. But, like childhood friends, they share a lifelong bond.

Visibility and vulnerability

With most health concerns, we choose whom to share it with, when to share and how much to share. But skin changes are visible. Any stranger can see our struggles. This creates a deep vulnerability.

Rich Innervation

Skin is richly supplied by nerves, bearing a ton of information to and fro.

  • So we are consciously aware of most sensations from skin. In deeper tissues, we only notice the very uncomfortable ones like pain or stretch.
    Knowing every little thing, makes us more invested in all that’s happening in our skin.
  • This also means any psychological distress will show up on our skin.

The gatekeeper

Skin is at the interface of our bodies. Standing between ‘I’ and the world.

So we are alert to any change there. Even minute signals could be potential danger.

On the flip side, the skin is also responsive to the changing needs of our body and mind. Evolving itself with changes in our inner world.

Indirect influence

Skin and psyche affect each other indirectly too. Through changes in immune system, gut and hormonal milieu of the body.

New dimensions to skin care

The skin-psyche link goes beyond diseases. Skin health and mental health are intrinsically connected.

Hence skin care must go farther than optimising beauty and ageing, to address well-being too.