Move Your Body To Move Your Mind

Moving Your Body Triggers Changes In Your Nervous System Changes your emotions, thoughts and mood.

Move Your Body To Move Your Mind
Move Your Body To Move Your Mind

Stuck in a bad mood?


Moving Your Body Triggers Changes In Your Nervous System

Changes your emotions, thoughts and mood.

Go For A Run When You’re Stressed

The movement triggers your reward circuit.

Feel good hormones flow in.

Your body gets to use the sympathetic drive for something constructive.

The mobilised energy having nowhere to go, is what makes anxiety feel so entrapping.

Moving your body gives it an outlet and a purpose.

Once the excess energy is used up, your system gets to Move On.

It shifts out of defensive arousal and into the best mode for now.

P. S. If your health doesn’t allow running or vigorous activity, go for gentler ones. Whatever is comfortable and intuitive to you.

Your body will guide you, if you listen to its urge to act 🤸🏻‍♀️🧘🏽‍♀️

How I rediscovered Movement and fell in love with it
I was a dynamo kid who slipped into a sedentary life growing up. I’d always sensed something missing. Over the years, I tried several exercise routines. But fell out of each of them as my life and lifestyle changed time and again. Each time, I’d been trying to