I Strongly Disagree with the Separation of the BodyMind

Why do we not have a term that includes both Mind and Body? Why do we separate them so solidly, everywhere, from casual talks to medical managements?

I Strongly Disagree with the Separation of the BodyMind

BodyMind sounds weird.

Like CatDog.

Bit I’m grateful for the vocabulary. It gives me something.

Why do we not have a term that includes both Mind and Body?

Why do we separate them so solidly, everywhere, from casual talks to medical managements?

Their separation gives a sense of a disembodied mind floating somewhere around an empty body.

And somehow it translates into our experience exactly like that.

We think and feel from a disembodied place.

And experience physical sensations (both pleasures and pains) in a mindless state.

Two parts of a whole torn apart.

Coming Home To Your Body

Most conversations about embodiment revolve around being in your body.

But the real challenge is not experiencing the body. Most of us can do that, albeit on and off.

The real challenge is living in the mind and the body at the same time.

That is completion.

It is power.

It is a redrawing of our reality.

Perhaps we can relearn being the body-mind!