Five Ways To Your Unconscious

Our unconscious is always accessible. But usually our conscious mind works like a curtain that keeps our unconscious just out of reach. Once the conscious mind steps back, the unconscious is right there.

Your unconscious is always accessible

Our unconscious is always accessible.

But usually our conscious mind works like a curtain that keeps our unconscious just out of reach.

Once the conscious mind steps back, the unconscious is right there.

So in essence all ways of reaching our unconscious work by decreasing or bypassing conscious resistance.

Some of them occur naturally. Some are induced using specific techniques.

These are 5 ways that open the gate between our conscious and unconscious minds:

Everyday trance

Ever missed a turn on the road because you zoned out? Or been so engrossed in a book that you jumped when someone talked?

You were in a natural trance.

These are pretty common and happen to all of us. Often we fail to recognise it or write it off as us being distracted.

Sleep & Dream

The funky phenomenon of ‘problem solving in dreams’ comes from this connection to unconscious.

Our brains work very differently in sleep. It’s not yet understood fully, but increased communication with the unconscious might be one of the reasons sleep is so restful and necessary.


This is an easy way to get to know our unconscious. Just be comfortable and close your eyes. Silently observe your inner world without judgment or active participation.


Our conscious resistance is partially bypassed in hypnotic trance. This makes it easier to accept suggestions. But the less known (and more helpful) effect is that it lets our conscious and unconscious meet and talk.

Automatic writing & drawing

Most writers see that writing/drawing continuously without censure brings fresh ideas. They come from our unconscious. That’s why it is so freeing and intuitive.

There are many more ways that lead to same or similar states. Key is to choose one(s) that speaks to us, and keep practicing.