Does Eating Eat You Up?

It used to eat me up. That changed a few months back. The Hunger Monster I was afraid of hunger most of my life. I’d plan in advance, even waking early after 48 hour shifts, to avoid confronting my hunger.

My hunger monster went from huge and scary to cute and cuddly : )
My hunger monster went from huge and scary to cute and cuddly : )

It used to eat me up.

That changed a few months back.

The Hunger Monster

I was afraid of hunger most of my life. I’d plan in advance, even waking early after 48 hour shifts, to avoid confronting my hunger.

My entire life evolved around this narrative of ‘I can’t stand hunger’.

Then, a few months back, I decided to finally give fasting a try.

Nothing drastic. I started by stopping all snacking.

Then built up to skipping a meal.

After decades of conceding to the hunger monster, I was finally standing my ground. I had my misgivings.

But I just had to try.

This was the plan. ‘When hunger strikes, I’ll wait it out.’

Well, it did strike. Rising up and reaching a scary peak. I held on.

Then it dipped.

I survived.

In a few days, it was coming later, peaking lesser and disappearing quicker.

I no longer dreaded it. Things got easier.

Within weeks, I started enjoying this little game. Looking forward to surfing the hunger wave.

The monster grew smaller as I grew braver.

Now 2 months later, we've made peace. I never feel the old ‘crippling hunger’ and I no longer fear it.

Fasting helped my health in many ways. But the surprising side effect was what it did for my lifestyle. And my relationship with food.

It set me free.