Can Your Unconscious Help Your Health?

Good communication is vital. In the outer world and the inner one. Many of our health concerns are created or worsened by a block in the talk between our conscious and unconscious parts.

Can Your Unconscious Help Your Health?

Good communication is vital. In the outer world and the inner one.

Many of our health concerns are created or worsened by a block in the talk between our conscious and unconscious parts.

The conscious mind is an eager, anxious kid. Skilled at some things, but clueless on a lot more. Easily overwhelmed when left alone.

The unconscious is older and infinitely smarter, a perfect system working in the background. Analysing thousands of data points and responding to our changing needs with precise calibrations, at lightning speeds.

This system is in balance as long as it goes without conscious interference.

Problems arise when our conscious mind is disconnected from the unconscious.

Then it’s forced into roles it’s not meant to handle.

A worried conscious, keeps trying to fix things. But ends up making them worse by interfering with our normal unconscious processes.

Unconscious is the true leader.

Conscious, is at best an over zealous manager.

When they are tuned into each other, things fall into place:

  • Unconscious emerges the leader. So there’s no more insecurity or indecision.
  • Conscious effort is conserved for where it’s useful.
  • Unconscious systems sail smooth without meddling from the conscious.
  • We make smarter choices that are true to ourselves.
  • Both parts work together toward common goals that keep us well.

This is the state when we’re healthy and happy. Where each aspect of our lives is tackled by the part best suited for the job.

And all it takes is better communication between our conscious and unconscious parts.