A Treasure trove of Touch

The good : Tactile stimulation can improve cognitive function, circulation, immunity and boost our mood. The bad: Touch can keep disturbing us in the background, even when we’re unaware of it.

A Treasure trove of Touch

Touch touches us, all our lives. We can harness it to help us or let it harm us.

The good : Tactile stimulation can improve cognitive function, circulation, immunity and boost our mood.

The bad: Touch can keep disturbing us in the background, even when we’re unaware of it.

These are 4 ways to leverage the benefits of touch in our daily lives:

Treasure trove

Build a touch library.

I have a smooth pebble from a stream near my childhood home. I go find it whenever I’m overwhelmed. It feels ancient and cool in my hand. And roots me to my wisdom in moments.

Find what works for you. Small stones, wood, pieces of fabric, seashells, acorns….

There are no rules to this game. Just see how something feels on your skin. Happy? Interesting? Soothing? In it goes.

Anything that feels doubtful stays out.

Right clothes

Our clothes are all over us.

They bombard our nerve endings all day long, always in the background.

Try comfortable clothes for a week- breathable material that feels good, no prickly parts- and look for a change in your mood.

Touching upon Texture

The right texture can have the strange effect of simultaneously stimulating and calming us.

  • Textured fabric on clothes, pillows and rugs
  • Textures in clay, mud and soil
  • Textures on wood, bark and stone
  • Textured food like orange, kiwi, bitter gourd

Most natural textures have a refreshing and grounding effect.

Some textures tax our nervous system. Plastic, rexine and steel disturb most people.

Snuggle close

This is the most important and the most obvious.

Humans crave human touch. Try self-touch and snuggle close with family and friends. Pets count too!